A few more games for algebraic thinking Number Card (24) (on number sense and operations) Shooting Balls (NOTE: 4 levels) (on linear functions and slope and y-intercept) Algebra Four (on solving equations)
Category Archive: functions
Mar 23
Spotting Numbers and Visual Patterns
Here a two great websites that provide lots of great pattern problems. Spotting Numbers Visual Patterns These patterns can be used with elementary students (if you just ask number questions) through advanced algebra (if you include questions about functions). Mathematics is often described as the study of patterns. That is exactly what Spotting Numbers and …
Mar 04
Section 2.1 Solving Word Problems
Below are two videos. I do three examples from section 2.1. The assignment for section 2.1 is pp. 190-193 #7,10,15,17,21,23,24,30,31,35,37,41,44,46,56. This will be due March 26.
Mar 04
The Process of Creating a 3-Part Model
Click below to download the handout on how to create a model (function). This is going to be a model for a real-world situation. process-of-creating-a-model
Feb 18